Within the partnership „Talk with me“ partners have developed following documents/ products, which are available to download:
- a short summary of the refugee situation and the support available to refugees in Germany, Bulgaria and Romania
- a training curriculum for young voluntary language mentors
- a manual for an information session for young refugees
- a curriculum for an intercultural training for young refugees
- a project manual for the “Talk with me” project
- a concept for the implementation of a multiplier event
- a European format for a physical toolbox with suggestions for teaching and learning material which can be used in refugee work across Europe (e.g. picture cards, exercises, games, etc.).
Romanian versions:
- Curriculumul training ului pentru mentorul de limbă
- cutia cu instrumente
- Situatia refugiatilor – rezumatul sondajelor naționale
- Manual pentru training-ul intercultural al tinerilor refugiati
- Manualul proiectului
- Manual pentru sesiunea de informare a tinerilor refugiați
- Evenimentul de multiplicare
Deutsche Versionen:
- ErasmusTALK Projekthandbuch
- Curriculum für das Training von ehrenamtlichen Sprachpaten
- Curriculum interkulturelles Training für junge Flüchtlinge
- Handbuch für Informationsveranstaltung für junge Flüchtlinge
- Toolbox „Rede mit mir“
- Konzept für Multiplikatorenveranstaltung
- Länderbericht Gesamt zur Situation von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland, Rumänien und Bulgarien
Bulgarian versions:
- Project guideline
- Curriculum training for language mentors
- Info session for young refugees
- Curriculum intercultural training of refugees
- Toolbox „Talk with me“
- Concept of a multiplier event
- Survey of the situation of refugees in Germany, Bulgaria and Romania
These documents are for private use only! It is not allowed to copy or display for redistribution the curriculum to third parties or for commercial purposes. To copy or download this curriculum or using it for profit, you need the written consent of Gemeinsam leben & lernen in Europa or another partner of the „Talk with me“ consortium. Also the usage of text passages and graphics needs the written consent of the partners. The right of usage stays with us.