The Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre (CNVC) was legally founded, as an independent organization, in December 2004. Before this date, CNVC was functioning as a department within the ProVobis National Volunteer Centre. Through its official formation, CNVC continues and enhances, extends and innovates the activity of the ProVobis’ Local Programs Department. Therefore, the history of our organization is longer than the time passed from its legal inception, being based on the experience that the employees and volunteers of CNVC hold in the field of volunteerism.
The mission of the Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre or Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca (CNVC) is to develop volunteerism as a means of involving citizens in solving out the problems of the Cluj-Napoca community.
Our vision is that of a solidary Cluj, in which all citizens get involved in solving the problems of the community, by offering their time, knowledge, skills, energy, talents and experience for a healthier, more beautiful community. We dream about a community in which getting involved in a volunteering activity represents an accepted and shared value, for all community members.
The objectives we are aiming at in our activity include :
– Increasing the number of volunteers within the Cluj-Napoca public institutions and NGOs;
– Increasing the degree of the community involvement of Cluj citizens, through volunteering activities;
– Increasing the innovation degree in the area of volunteerism (by implementing volunteering pilot projects);
– Increasing the visibility of volunteerism among the citizens of our community.
The services offered constantly by Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre, are deeply linked to its mission and objectives of promoting volunteering as an inexhaustible resource of citizens’ involvement in solving community problems. For this mean, Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre is providing services for volunteers (campaigns and events to promote recognition of volunteering involvement, training sessions for volunteers), for NGO’s and public institutions (recruitment and recommending volunteers, consultancy on volunteer involvement strategies, training and support for volunteer managers) and for the community (development of volunteering programs, campaigns and events to promote volunteering).
The Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre has been an active resource center for the volunteering movement in Cluj-Napoca, becoming a constant provider of quality volunteering programs for the community. In the 10 years of activity the organization has managed to implement a big diversity of volunteering programs and to offer support into raising standards in volunteer management in other local NGOs in Cluj-Napoca.
Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca
Nicoleta Chiș-Racolța (Executive director)
str. Virgil Fulicea nr. 1 ap. 1
400022 Cluj-Napoca
Phone: +40-264 431 411